Friday, November 6, 2009

Knit, Purl, Knit, Ouch!

Let's start with the good news, shall we.  The Harry Potter party was a success!  Everyone had so much fun.  Daniel's pumpkin pasties were so delicious as were Joshua's hamburgers.  The butterbeer was a hit and Sophia and Carson found each other fascinating - much more so than the Harry Potter movies. 

The highlight of the day came when I got I call on my cell phone and saw that the call was identified as none other than Harry Potter!!!  No kidding!  My eyes got huge and I answered with a rather breathless and tentative, "Hello" and heard Joshua's voice on the other end of the line asking for Ginny Weasley (cad!).  He had changed his name in my phone and put "Harry Potter" instead.  But he went farther than that, he added "England" as the country and "Magician" as his profession (of course, it should be "Wizard" but it was still really sweet).  When he got back he teased me about thinking it was really Harry Potter calling and thinking Harry Potter is real.  I mean, duh!  The books ARE biographies!

Now to the not so fortunate news:  knitting class.  My first class was Tuesday.  It started off well enough.  I was the first to find my starter string and the first to get my slip knot going.  All very promising, right?  Well, it was all down hill after that.  I had a hard time getting the casting on down, although once I figured out what I was doing wrong I was fine.  Then we learned the actual stitches:  knitting and purling.  I can do the stitches ok.  My biggest problem is one of manual coordination.  I can barely hang on to the needles and thread!!  I get one stitch done and then I practically drop everything or come close to putting my eye out.  I really need to take out liability or accident insurance or something because this knitting thing is quite hazardous. 

I still have three more classes.  Maybe I will improve.  I sure hope so!  I guess I will keep practicing my knitting this weekend during the LSU/Bama game.  Then again... that could be extremely dangerous....