It has been busy, busy around here: Easter, Royal Weddings... fun, fun! So, I thought I would catch everyone up with a look - in pictures - at what we have been up to the past few weeks.
Some of our Brazilian friends cooking up a traditional Brazilian churrasco. |
Joshua enjoying some Brazilian goodness. |
Me and some of my Brazilian lady friends at the churrasco. We were rocking the shades. |
Here are several of our church friends, enjoying a beer at the pub after service. Awesome. |
Here's us, at the beer garden with our friends after church. Still wondering what the English put in their grass to make it so green. |
Mark and Carolyn Wilson. This is my American friend. She's American, he's Irish. Funness. |
I helped out after church serving tea and coffee one night (after all, there MUST ALWAYS be tea and coffee after church) and really got into the spirit of things and decided to wear my Starbucks apron. Paul, is an aspiring actor studying at the Old Vic. It shows, I think. |
This is Joshua and his advisor, Dr. Oliver Crisp. He pointed I that I had not posted this picture of when he presented a paper at the conference so... Ta-Da!!! Here it is, y'all. |
Monday was a Bank Holiday (meaning everyone has the day off - kinda like a national holiday in the US). We were invited to a cookout at our friend's house. Here are the guys chilling out in the back yard. |
Here are the Three Amigas: Bryony, me and Carolyn. |
Here were are again making goofy faces: Bryony, me, Carolyn and Naomi. |
As you know unless you live in a cave, the Royal Wedding took place last Friday. I watched the Royal Wedding from Millennium Square in Downtown Bristol. There were masses and masses of people there as you can see.
A traditional English treat called Marzipan - I think. It was yummy! We had a picnic. Although, one of the guys would not let us eat or drink anything during the service, after all, it WAS a service. I think he had a point, even though we were sitting on the floor in the square and not at the Cathedral... still... |
I totally got my England on and got in the spirit of things. Even if I thought it was a little funny that they were singing "America" during the wedding. Nope! Turns out that wasn't what they were singing - it was "God Save the Queen." Their National Anthem, same tune, different words.
Right after the wedding ended some happy wedding watchers started a train. I got some of it on film and took the opportunity to interview Bryony on her thoughts and impressions of the Royal Wedding.