Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Moving Away While Looking Back

I've noticed something rather odd going on in our culture these days. It's a contradiction really.  As a whole the culture is in a very big hurry it seems to move away from the "Christian" or "traditional": traditional values, and traditional views of marriage, of gender, and even of freedom.

However, at the same time, our screens, big and small, are filled with heroes of myth and legend of old.  OK, some are not so very old.  We are seeing fairy tales brought to life anew and re-imagined for a new generation. Classic...ahem... traditional, comic book heroes are breaking box office records. Does it not seem strange, in a world so bent on leaving all that is old, traditional, black-and-white, and even remotely "Christian" behind that this should be the case?

Perhaps some of our filmmakers (our culture's storytellers) are sensing a tension, sensing that something has been lost, or is in the process of being lost. Sitting back and observing all that is happening around me, I feel like I'm living in a culture that is moving in one direction, while looking back over it's shoulder. It is a culture that seems to be swept up in something it doesn't quite understand.