Friday, February 26, 2016

Jenna Girlspains the Republican Primary For the Candidates

Y'all it's getting crazy up in here! But fun, though, it's definitely the most entertaining presidential race I've ever seen.  It's keeping my attention. The banter is quick and amusing - kudos to the writer. The plot can be redundant at times but it is fast-paced and there is enough going on that one keeps coming back for more.  The one down side has been in the area of character development. I haven't seen any real growth from any of the main characters... uhm... players... candidates.... whatever.   But, let's break it down, shall we?

The Republican Party has gotten itself into a bit of a pickle! At the moment it looks like Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination unless one of the other candidates can stage what, at this point, would be an upset.  According to the media, if they can be believed (and they shouldn't be. One should always take everything the press says with a big grain of salt), Marco Rubio is the Republican "establishment" favorite.  OK, just for a moment, may I ask, what is this "establishment"? And who in the world is part of this "establishment"? I have a mental image of big, old, fat, rich white guys in this dark cavernous kind of library or study with really skinny ladies in skin-tight sheath dresses serving them whatever they want because they've grown so big and fat they cannot get out of their respective chairs.

But I digress... Marco Rubio is heavily favored by this so-called "establishment," but don't rule out Ted Cruz just yet.  He is still in the mix.  The idea is to coalesce votes behind one candidate in the hopes that it will be enough to steal the victory away from Trump. Which leaves the other two:  Ben Carson and John Kasich.  Don't get me wrong - I like them both.  But, if their party's goal is to not nominate Trump, then they need to drop out because at this point they are just taking votes away from Rubio and Cruz who have a better chance at beating Trump.  Why are they still in this race?  This is not THE BACHELORETTE - you do not get a chance to be the next Bachelor if you hang around long enough.  So, come on guys, time to be team players and bow out.  Now, that's not to say I am Anti-Trump, I just thought that there's been so much mansplaining going on about this election, that maybe a girl's perspective might help.  As for me, I still plan on writing myself in - feel free to do the same.  I'm just saying... Love!!


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