Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Last night Joshua and I hosted our friend Brent. We had not seen Brent since our wedding.  I can't believe we went that long without seeing him.  He needed a place to stay for the night so he stayed with us. Btw, ladies, he is single!!

He joined us for dinner and then we watched a movie.  Joshua and Brent went to Redbox and picked out the movie.  You won't believe what they picked out.  Twilight!  Funny, huh?  Well, we settled in to watch it:  lights out and peach cobbler in hand...  It was actually good.  I enjoyed it.  However, it was totally unrealistic.  I thought the most realistic thing about the movie was the whole vampire angle.  I mean, honestly, a 17-year-old finds her eternal, true love?  What do 17 year-olds know about love?  Nada, rien, zip!

Harry Potter is much more realistic.  Still, Twilight was entertaining, but not enough to such you in like Harry Potter does.  Which brings me to another point:  I'm kinda sad thinking that we have two HP movies left and then.... what?  No more Harry Potter ANYTHING!  Argh!!!  That will be a tragedy of Greek proportions.  Joshua doesn't really get it, but I know some of you do and share my pain. 

This October, in the spirit of keeping the magic alive as long as possible, we will not have a typical Halloween party - we are going to have a Harry Potter theme party.  I found recipes online for some of the treats they eat and drink at Hogwarts such as Butter Beer, Pumpkin Juice, Treacle Tarts, and so on.  There will be a Hogwarts-themed meal and a Harry Potter movie marathon and someone is bringing Scene It - the Harry Potter edition.  If that sounds like fun you should join us!  Now, I just need to figure out what to wear... email me if you have any suggestions.  Tchau for now!


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