Monday, December 7, 2009


Sorry I haven't written in a while.  Things got really hectic at home and at work and then we went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving to visit Joshua's mom and sister.  It was a fun time although we were disappointed his sister stood us up.  As St. Louis University is one of Joshua's top choices as far as places he would like to do his PhD, it was great getting to see more of the city and do some fun things there.  I found out that there are 3 Brazilian restaurants there!  Yea! 

Another reason I haven't written in a while is that I have been kinda down lately... ok, for more than a month now.  I know, I know, I really don't have reason to be down.  Work is great, I have a terrific family and a sweet, wonderful husband.  But, things aren't exactly as I expected. And there's the rub. Marriage has been a HUGE and, often difficult adjustment for me.  I remember once, many years ago, I told a good friend that I would probably never fall in love and never marry because the reality of love, the reality of the loved one, of marriage could never live up to the dream.  I was proven wrong on both counts, btw, I have fallen in love and gotten married.

But, that's where I have found myself this past month... at the collision between reality and expectation. The reality of this flesh and blood man whom I love who at times fails to meet my expectations.  Then again, to be fair, there are times he surpasses my expectations.  Then there is marriage itself.  It is nothing as I expected.  The reality has fallen far short of my expectations. Still, there are those glimpses of the dream - moments that make me catch my breath and stay perfectly still, as if by staying so I could capture the moment and make it last a little longer.  

So, I have been sad and disappointed with my lot in life of late - a lot I chose for myself.  Yet I know that if I had to do it all over again I would do just as I have done.  I also know that every collision, though loud and fearful in its impact, eventually subsides.  I think I may be reaching that point... gradually.  Every day I need to prayerfully commit my thoughts to God, ask Him to help me consider Joshua first and myself last.  To cultivate a grateful, cheerful spirit.  I have always felt there is much value in introspection:  the art of self-examination.  Taken too far, however, it can lead to self-centeredness and selfishness... of which I fear I already have in abundance. 

With that I will cease my introspective musings for the day and return later this week with a more cheerful update.  At that time I will tell you all about my progress in knitting (yes, progress HAS been made!) and Christmas plans!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Knit, Purl, Knit, Ouch!

Let's start with the good news, shall we.  The Harry Potter party was a success!  Everyone had so much fun.  Daniel's pumpkin pasties were so delicious as were Joshua's hamburgers.  The butterbeer was a hit and Sophia and Carson found each other fascinating - much more so than the Harry Potter movies. 

The highlight of the day came when I got I call on my cell phone and saw that the call was identified as none other than Harry Potter!!!  No kidding!  My eyes got huge and I answered with a rather breathless and tentative, "Hello" and heard Joshua's voice on the other end of the line asking for Ginny Weasley (cad!).  He had changed his name in my phone and put "Harry Potter" instead.  But he went farther than that, he added "England" as the country and "Magician" as his profession (of course, it should be "Wizard" but it was still really sweet).  When he got back he teased me about thinking it was really Harry Potter calling and thinking Harry Potter is real.  I mean, duh!  The books ARE biographies!

Now to the not so fortunate news:  knitting class.  My first class was Tuesday.  It started off well enough.  I was the first to find my starter string and the first to get my slip knot going.  All very promising, right?  Well, it was all down hill after that.  I had a hard time getting the casting on down, although once I figured out what I was doing wrong I was fine.  Then we learned the actual stitches:  knitting and purling.  I can do the stitches ok.  My biggest problem is one of manual coordination.  I can barely hang on to the needles and thread!!  I get one stitch done and then I practically drop everything or come close to putting my eye out.  I really need to take out liability or accident insurance or something because this knitting thing is quite hazardous. 

I still have three more classes.  Maybe I will improve.  I sure hope so!  I guess I will keep practicing my knitting this weekend during the LSU/Bama game.  Then again... that could be extremely dangerous....

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Weekend Fun

I am so excited about this weekend!  It is going to be so much fun!

This week has been really amazing.  It started off with a wonderful Sunday.  Joshua and I had a very worshipful time together at church which was followed up by lunch and fellowship with Ryan and Lizzie Kirk.  Lizzie is a friend from Knoxville who has recently moved to Louisville so Ryan can attend Southern Seminary.  Ryan and Joshua have really hit it off (they even went running together this morning!) so it's pretty terrific. 

Monday I was up bright and early to attend a boot camp-style workout at the Seminary's health and recreation center before putting in a full day of work and class.  It was awesome!  I need to talk Maristela and Lizzie into doing it with me.  The rest of the week was uneventful but fun and productive.  Last night Maristela and I got together while Joshua was teaching his class.  We went to a step aerobics class together and worked up a sweat!  I typically run and do a weight routine, but it's fun to mix it up and keep my body guessing a little bit too.

Tonight Joshua and I have a Halloween party to attend.  I cannot decide whether or not to dress up.  If I do dress up, what will I go as?  Still, we won't stay very long because I need to get ready for TOMORROW!  Tomorrow is our big Harry Potter party!  I am so excited!  I am making treacle fudge and butterbeer.  In addition I will have pulled pork sandwiches, spinach and artichoke dip and chips, peach cobler and assorted beverages.  Daniel and Maristela are bringing pumpkin pasties.  Lizzie and Ryan are bringing something too but I am not sure what. 

It is supposed to be raining and cold - the perfect day for staying in, hanging out with friends and having a Harry Potter marrathon.  If you are around you should stop in!

Friday, October 23, 2009

This and That and Dr. Cutrer's Sex Talk Too

So, it has been more than a week since I posted last. I didn't mean to be gone so long but this past week has been a hectic one. Busy, busy, busy! My weekend was kinda - ok, TOTALLY - ruined by my period. Joshua really doesn't understand what a tremendous sacrifice getting off birth control is. I went from 1 period a year to having one every three weeks. And he just doesn't understand why I am so pale and tired, in so much pain and unable to do much. I always want to say: "Well, let's take a few pints of your blood, give you some good, gut-wrenching cramps, lower back pain and migraines and see how much you feel like doing, honey." But I don't. Because I'm sweet.

By Monday things were much better. We had our Marriage Enrichment class with Dr. Cutrer. The class had finally reached the section Joshua has been waiting for (panting for) all semester: Physical Intimacy, or, as I like to call it, the Sex Talk. It was pretty interesting. I do not think Joshua got all the information he was hoping he would get but Dr. Cutrer handed out note cards to everyone and asked that we all write down - anonymously - any questions we have. Next Monday he will read these questions and answer them. Needless to say, Joshua was in a very... ahem... loving mood when we got home that night. Thank you, Dr. Cutrer!

Aside from the fact that I was a little under the weather the past few days, it has been pretty routine. Except for one thing: I have decided to take a knitting class! I am very excited about it. I am an avid crosstitcher and have always wanted to learn how to knit (I did, in fact, teach myself how to do the basic knit and purl several years ago but couldn't get beyond that so I had about 20 feet of... well, yarn that was knitted and purled). I am leaving in a few minutes to go OFFICIALLY sign up for the knitting class and get the materials I will need. The class will start in a week and a half and our first project will be to make a hat. I will have to keep you updated on my progress. I'm sure it will be amazing! And Bentley, my boxer, is sure to be infinitely fascinated by the needles and the yarn. He is always very interested in everything I do - it is one of his most endearing qualities. I will have to knit him a new LSU sweater... BUT that's for later. I have to learn how to do all the basics first.

If you are a knitter and have any tips or hints for me I would love to hear them so please share! Or if you live in the Louisville area and have, like me, always wanted to learn how to knit, send me a message and I will give you the details on what I found out about knitting classes and groups in the Louisville area.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What Kind of Football Fan Are You?

Something has happened. You can see it as you walk along the streets: leaves are turning beautiful hues of red and orange. It is felt in the air - a fresh crispness, a smell of spices and firewood. People are wearing sweaters and jackets as they bundle up to head over to the pumpkin patch or out for a hayride. All these things add up to an undeniable truth: Fall is here!

I love fall! I love the feel of it, the sights and smells... all of it. I especially love it because it means that, once again, it is football season. It's a funny thing about football; there are different kinds of football fans. Have you ever noticed that? Everyone has their own little traditions when it comes to watching the big game. These little football quirks, while amusing to some (irritating to others), actually say quite a lot about a person.

1. Legalist Larry: this is the guy who has the football rulebook memorized. He likes a clean game, by the book. He knows keeps a close eye on all the players from both teams and especially on the referees to make sure they make the right calls. Any mistake, however small, will have Larry up in arms, red in the face and screaming at the TV, his wife, the dog or anyone he thinks might possibly be responsible for the error. And if you happen to be a fan of the opposing team.... look out! Legalist Larry is not a very forgiving guy. An ill-timed joke about his team can start a football feud that will last decades with Larry. When his team wins, Larry is one happy guy, but when they lose he can sulk about it for days.

2. Hedonist Harry: is every bit as into the game as Legalist Larry, but derives most of his enjoyment from the entire experience. While he loves the game and his team, most of the pleasure he gets from football games actually comes from sharing the experience with friends and family. Sure, he wants them to win, big and often, but his biggest rush is from having his loved ones around him enjoying snacks and burgers and soft drinks as they laugh and holler throughout the event. Like Larry, he loves it when his team wins, but he does not sulk or pout for days on end when they lose. "If they lose, oh well," says Harry, "they will do better next week. Who's up for another party?"

3. Silent Stan: as his name indicates, does not say much. Stan likes to sit back in his favorite recliner with his snack and soft drink of choice and relax as he watches the game. He will not scream or holler at the TV; at most he might grunt every now and again. Stan might even take a nap during the game (something which would cause Legalist Larry to nearly have a stroke). Although he can watch the game with others, football for Stan is usually (and preferably) a solo affair. So... as we are not really sure if he even watches the whole game, no one really knows how he feels about his team's winning or losing.

4. Chatty Kathy: does not care about football at all! The most irritating of all the football personalities (in my opinion), is almost always a girl, a member of a singles group who is trying to find a guy. Kathy will attend any and every football party she gets invited to and even feign an interest in the sport in the hopes of meeting and attracting available single men. She will not watch the game unless the object of her interest happens to be watching the game, rather, she will snack and flirt and talk the entire time.

What kind of football fan are you? Do you see yourself in any of the above individuals? I am very much a Hedonist Harry. I LOVE my LSU Tigers, but I REALLY LOVE getting friends (even non-LSU fan friends) together to watch the game and hang out. Of course, I DO like it when they win too...

What is your favorite football team? How are they doing this season? E-mail me and let me know...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Last night Joshua and I hosted our friend Brent. We had not seen Brent since our wedding.  I can't believe we went that long without seeing him.  He needed a place to stay for the night so he stayed with us. Btw, ladies, he is single!!

He joined us for dinner and then we watched a movie.  Joshua and Brent went to Redbox and picked out the movie.  You won't believe what they picked out.  Twilight!  Funny, huh?  Well, we settled in to watch it:  lights out and peach cobbler in hand...  It was actually good.  I enjoyed it.  However, it was totally unrealistic.  I thought the most realistic thing about the movie was the whole vampire angle.  I mean, honestly, a 17-year-old finds her eternal, true love?  What do 17 year-olds know about love?  Nada, rien, zip!

Harry Potter is much more realistic.  Still, Twilight was entertaining, but not enough to such you in like Harry Potter does.  Which brings me to another point:  I'm kinda sad thinking that we have two HP movies left and then.... what?  No more Harry Potter ANYTHING!  Argh!!!  That will be a tragedy of Greek proportions.  Joshua doesn't really get it, but I know some of you do and share my pain. 

This October, in the spirit of keeping the magic alive as long as possible, we will not have a typical Halloween party - we are going to have a Harry Potter theme party.  I found recipes online for some of the treats they eat and drink at Hogwarts such as Butter Beer, Pumpkin Juice, Treacle Tarts, and so on.  There will be a Hogwarts-themed meal and a Harry Potter movie marathon and someone is bringing Scene It - the Harry Potter edition.  If that sounds like fun you should join us!  Now, I just need to figure out what to wear... email me if you have any suggestions.  Tchau for now!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Home Sweet Home... Sort of

"In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony."   Eva Burrows

It has been a while since I have updated you on what has been going on in my little world. The reason for that is something quite wonderful - a trip! Joshua and I went on a very, very quick trip to Louisiana to visit Mom and Joe. We left last Thursday and spent the night in Birmingham with my birth mother, Becky. It was a fun night. Becky, Brad (my brother) and Ashley (my sister) and Joshua and I all had dinner at a historic Birmingham restaurant called the Bright Star, the purpose of which was to meet Ashley's new boyfriend, Matt. Although he is a Catholic and, worse, an Alabama fan, he seems like a very nice young man and he passed the first round of inspections with flying colors.

On Friday Joshua and I left Bentley behind for some spoiling with Becky while we went on to Louisiana. It was a 9-hour drive! We took our time and enjoyed talking with each other and listening to C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce on CD as we drove. We arrived in DeRidder, Louisiana, around 7:00 p.m. local time to find Mom and Joe and my sister Jodi waiting for us with some fresh Louisiana style fried fish, hush puppies and barbecue baked beans! It was wonderful!! It was a lively dinner as Joe and I immediately launched into a discussion of the day's politics. But, as tired as everyone was it was soon off to bed as we had a long, busy day on Saturday.

Saturday dawned all too soon. I got up and walked outside to find Mom in the backyard. We sat on the deck swing and talked for a while, enjoying the outdoors and each other. It was a special time. In the constant business of life I find that I so rarely have time to just sit down face-to-face and really talk to people in a leisurely fashion anymore - especially the people that mean the most to me like my mother or my siblings. So, I have to say that was my favorite moment of the entire weekend and worth the 30 hours in the car. Absolutely. But, it was over all too quickly and soon we were all rushing off to shower and primp and get ready for the day ahead.

Our first order of business, at least for the girls, was to attend a shower which some of the kind ladies at New Life Baptist Church (Mom and Joe's church) threw for me. It was so much fun! The food was really delicious. They had sausage balls, mini-quiche, fruit salad, fresh fruit, muffins with orange butter, and cake. There was also a wonderful frozen mocha punch which was incredible! I was so excited that Aunt Pam and Ashley, Aunt Becky and Mrs. Jeannette got to come. That just made my day to get to see them and spend some time with them. We got some really sweet and special gifts. It was really so special. Now I need to get busy with my thank you notes!

When we got home poor Joshua got a taste of what football season means in the south. He probably thought we were all a bunch of lunatics yelling at the TV - but LSU DID come pretty close to giving the game away at the end. Still, it was loads of fun and it was the first LSU game I have gotten to watch this season. Yea!

That night Joshua and I got a real treat! Mom was the main speaker at a large women's event, appropriately named The Big Event, at a nearby town. He got to experience a women's event for the first time! The southern cookin', the southern music, and even a Southern Baptist-style fashion show! It was also neat that he got to hear Mom's testimony and learn more about her life and our family's life from a perspective different from mine. She and Joe also sang a duet together before Mom closed out the night with a really nice Medley. She really did a great job!

We had another long 15-hour drive back. But it was a great time spent with family, friends and loved ones. We are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home Improvement Part II

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." Winston Churchill
I joked yesterday about how greatly Joshua's life has improved since his marriage to me. In reality, it is Joshua who has helped me to improve. Even before we were married he was always concerned with helping me be my very best. He continues to encourage me to strive to improve and to better myself daily.

  • My love is concerned about my physical well being. He always encourages me to eat better: less fast-food and more organic. We started working out and exercising together. Joshua even turned me on to running. We now run together several times a week.
  • Joshua is interested in my mental development. He is very much a believer in the "garbage in-garbage out" theory of mental development. It has been his mission to make sure that there be as little "garbage in" as possible, where my mind is concerned. To that end he has encouraged me to read thoughtful books designed to get me thinking more deeply on edifying and Christ-centered topics. "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8
  • He longs to know my heart. Joshua craves to spend hours in deep, meaningful conversation with me. This has pushed me to open my heart and learn how to share my deepest thoughts and feelings. It has challenged me to strive to become a better communicator. We engage in deep conversations on a regular basis. As I become more accustomed to this kind of deep sharing, I foresee this happening more and more frequently, with the conversations lasting for hours. That he so longs to delve into the depths of my heart is a testimony to his love for me and I love him for it.
  • Joshua cares about my walk with the Lord. He wants to know that I am growing in my knowledge, understanding and reliance on God. It matters to him that I am able to have time alone with God daily. It is also a priority that we share times of worship, prayer and talking about spiritual things together. Through Joshua's spiritual leadership I have grown in my faith and knowledge of God. When we can pray about something together it strengthens our bond and brings us closer. It is a way of teaching me trust: in him, and most importantly, in God.
So, for all the little trifles I may have added to his life, Joshua has added things of infinitely more value to mine. Things such as memories, wisdom and love. Thanks, baby!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Home Improvement

It is a wonderful and humbling thing to witness positive changes in the life of another and know that one has had a hand in bringing them about. Take Joshua, for instance. There have been many positive changes in his life since we got married. For starters I have opened him up to the worlds of Lost, Psych and Harry Potter (he actually went and saw the Half-Blood Prince in the theatre with me TWICE!). He is also learning Portuguese. Granted his vocabulary is currently limited to words and phrases such as chato (aggravating), bum-bum (butt), linda (beautiful), querida (sweet), and so on, but he is learning.

Lest you think I only impart frivolous knowledge to my husband, let me assure you that his theology and logic are also much improved since we've been married. For example: this weekend we met a young man, a very, very Southern Baptist young man - at least in Joshua's assessment of him. Some time after we had parted company with the gentleman Joshua made the observation that he was very much a Southern Baptist and it was very obvious. How so?, I wanted to know. Well, said Joshua, it was obvious he was well fed in that fried-chicken, fried-catfish-eating kinda way. When I pointed out to Joshua that he was well-fed too he brushed that aside saying it was different, he wasn't that well-fed. I pointed out that it sounded a little bit, just a tad, as if he were passing judgment on the young man. Without missing a beat he replied:

"I'm not passing judgment. I'm stereotyping. It's different."

See, I learned in Seminary that that is what you call the doctrine of justification. And, yes, my kind of logic is rubbing off on him a bit. (Good one, honey!)

He is also catching on to my sense of adventure. Two weeks ago Southern Seminary had their annual Fall Festival on the great lawn. Thisone was extra special in celebration of the Seminary's 150th anniversary. They had a rock-climbing wall, bmx riders (which I kept calling motorcross - I mean, how different are they, really?), jousing, burgers, candy, and .... - a mechanical bull!!! So, guess what yours truly decided she wanted to do? You got it! Ride the mechanical bull! Joshua did not want to at first, but once I rode he decided to give it a go. So we rode and I got a bruised elbow, a very badly banged up knee and some whip-lash to show for my pains and Joshua got a cut hand. But it was worth it!

Tune in later this week to find out how I have improved since marrying Joshua - after all, marriage is a two-way street. For now, enjoy the pics of our now infamous mechanical bull ride!

Friday, September 18, 2009

All Talked Out

I can't believe Joshua and I have been married for 4 months now! It has been wonderful and hard and amazing and sanctifying all at once. And boy is marriage tiring. I think I have figured out why a century ago people got married when they were teenagers. Teenagers actually have the energy and stamina it takes to be married! As for me, at 32, uhm.... - not so much.

Why am I so tired, you ask. I will be happy to tell you. I work every day and then come home to an apartment that (unlike my apartment when I was single) has changed! It has morphed during my absence. Things are no longer where I left them. Even Bentley, the dog (although, we do not call him that in his presence for fear of giving offense), is not where I left him. Because I now have a husband occupying my life and home, I will leave and return to find things not where they should be. Men's shoes are not in the bedroom closet but in the living room under the end table, coffee mugs find their way into every room of the house and books and pens lay scattered on the floor of every room. Keeping up with it all is very tiring for someone who, I confess, can be a little particular.

And then, there's the talking. Joshua can out-talk Oprah if he puts his mind to it. Sometimes it's like being married to a woman because he wants to talk, and talk, and talk! I get home after work so looking forward to my quiet little home with just me and Bentley, as God intended. Right? Wrong! Now I walk through the door and I'm met with, "Honey, how was your day? Look at this book I got, you should read it too. I'm hungry. Wanna go for a walk? Wanna have people over tonight?..."My eyes just glaze over and roll back into my head. Did he not get the memo about women talking twice as much as men? So why does he want to talk twice as much as I do?

I have been learning to appreciate this trait in Joshua over the past four months. He, in turn, has learned that I need some Jenna time - especially right after a long day. Still, this past Monday as we sat in Dr. Cutrer's Marriage Enrichment class I was more than a little gratified when a big PowerPoint screen flashed up on the wall with a big caption that said:


                                   Women 20,000                                                   Men 7,000

Dr. Cutrer went on to explain that the caption showed the number of meaningful words used in a day by men and women. I couldn't help smiling real big at Joshua who just smiled back cluelessly. See, I was thinking, there it is for God and the world to see that it just isn't normal for a man to want to talk that much. However, I realize he wants to truly know me and learn my heart. And is not that our heart's true desire, deep down - to be deeply, truly known and to be loved and accepted by one who truly knows us? It is much the same way that God knows our very hearts and loves us still. In marriage we have the one earthly relationship in which we are free to be vulnerable and free - yet wholly loved.

Parabéns to Summers! It's her birthday so here is a pic of my beautiful girl on her special day. I love you Summers and I hope today is wonderful for you. You are so special and I can't believe Paxton is already a month old! (more pics!!)